

Dec 17, 2021

MOA seals project on tomato production management

The Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) and the DA-Bureau of Soils and Water Management-National Soil and Water Resources Research and Development Center for Hillyland Pedo-Ecological Zone (BSWM-NSWRRDC-HILLPEZ) forged a research for development (R4D) partnership project on integrated nutrient management for soil and tomato productivity on17 December 2021 at the center in Brgy. Cuyambay, Tanay, Rizal.Aligned with DA-BAR’s initiative to assist and strengthen the R4D programs of DA-BSWM on soil fertility and crop productivity, the project titled, “Development of Integrated Nutrient Management Strategy for Improving Soil and Tomato Productivity,” is funded by the DA-BAR.The project shall package an integrated nutrient management strategy for tomato in collaboration with the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology-University of the Philippines Los Baños and tomato growers. Specifically, it intends to quantify the effect of integrating chemical fertilizers, organic amendments and microbial inoculants on soil properties and growth of tomato. Through integrated nutrient management strategy, balanced fertilization can be achieved to enhance soil fertility, hence, increase tomato productivity.DA-BAR director Dr. Junel B. Soriano and assistant director Joell H. Lales; and DA-BSWM director Engr. Pablo M. Montalla and NSWRRDC-HILLPEZ chief Joven P. Espineli led the MOA signing. Joining them to witness are the key officials and staff of the two bureaus. Director Soriano, in his message of support, emphasized the bureau’s continuous search for collaborations to implement relevant R4D programs in support to the attainment of the DA’s vision for a productive and profitable agriculture sector. He also encouraged the various centers of the DA such as the NSWRRDC to have programs that are responsive to the needs of the farmers and the industry, and be scalable to reach more beneficiaries. Further, he highlighted the DA-BAR’s focus on strengthening policy development through the R4D projects’ outputs under the Research to Policies for Development and Extension (R2P4DE) approach. Serving as the implementing agency, NSWRRDC-HILLPEZ is a Research and Development Center mandated to undertake applied and location-specific researches in hillyland pedo-ecological zones—showcasing cost-efficient, socially acceptable and environment friendly soil and water management technologies in hillyland pedo-ecological zones. 

Jan 15, 2024

Revisiting climate change RDE agenda highlighted in PIF’s 3rd installment

Following its pilot on Research Facilities Development Grant and second episode on Fisheries and Aquaculture, the Program in Focus (PIF) series kicks off its 2024 line-up with the Climate Change Research for Development (R4D) program on 12 January 2024 via Google Meet. Organized by the bureau’s Program Monitoring, Evaluation, and Linkaging Division (PMELD), PIF aims to increase the dissemination of information and results feedback of monitoring and evaluation activities of the bureau.Amavel Velasco, head of PMELD-Monitoring and Evaluation Section, outlined the history and timeline of the program’s significant milestones; R4D investments; implementing agencies, distribution of projects and funds, status of projects; developed technologies; and communicated results.Further to this,  Velasco shared the program’s best practices, challenges, realizations, and recommendations related to the program implementation, to which various climate change focals and other technical staff reaffirmed.Program Development Division head Raymond Patrick Cabrera highlighted that the program has an ongoing commitment with the Asian Development Bank, wherein the latter provides technical assistance to the sector in terms of climate change investments. As part of this technical assistance, the bureau will be updating the Climate Change research for development and extension agenda for the next medium term.Moving forward with the Climate Change R4D, Cabrera underscored the importance of mainstreaming climate change as a program of the agriculture department. Likewise, he acknowledged and furthered that, while it is a challenge for the program to consolidate all previous initiatives on climate change, it is vital that the climate change R&D for the next medium term identify all gaps and areas that need to be addressed to respond to the existing climate risks and hazards.The Climate Change R4D program traces its roots from Republic Act No. 9729 or the Climate Change Act of 2009 which prompted all government agencies to integrate various disaster risk reduction measures into climate change adaptation plans, development and poverty reduction programs. 

Dec 03, 2021

DA, BAR launch Yamang Lupa SCALE UP Program

Agriculture Secretary William Dar led the ceremonial launching of the Yamang Lupa Sustainable Community-based Action R4DE [research for development and extension] for Livelihood Uplifting and Prosperity (YL SCALE UP) Program held on 3 December 2021 at Garden Orchid Hotel, Zamboanga City.Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) director Junel Soriano, together with assistant director Joell Lales, spearheaded the activity to discuss the plans and goals for the nationwide implementation of the program.An upscaling of the 2013 DA-BAR–supported Yamang Lupa Program (YLP): Adoption of the Bhoochetana Principles in the Philippines, the YL SCALE UP Program is expected to cover thousands of hectares of rainfed and upland areas in the country.With DA-BAR as the funding and lead coordinating agency and the DA-Bureau of Soils and Water Management, three YLP projects were carried out by Southern Luzon State University, in partnership with DA CALABARZON; DA Eastern Visayas with Visayas State University; and DA Zamboanga Peninsula with the Western Mindanao State University. The three-year pilot projects collaborated with 3,705 farmers for the stratified soil sampling and analysis of a total of 32,903.30 hectares; and the generation and distribution of 2,528 soil health cards—a one-page information material that reflects general information of the farmer, soil macro and micronutrient analysis and the respective crop and soil management recommendations, among others. The projects also packaged and provided the best bet options of technologies in response to the results of the analysis conducted. Another highlight of the event was the signing of a memorandum of understanding where DA-Zamboanga Peninsula, led by Regional Executive Director Rad Donn Cedeño, and four state universities and colleges–Western Mindanao State University, J. H. Cerilles State College, Mindanao State University-Buug Campus, and Jose Rizal Memorial State University, signified their commitment to collaborate with DA and DA-BAR in implementing the program.The YL SCALE-UP Program will implement and further harness the adapted science-led soil revival strategies and management practices toward boosting the productivity of farmers and strengthening their coping mechanisms amidst climate anomalies. 

Dec 16, 2021

8 info systems launched, best employees and retiring staff recognized

In its efforts to streamline and improve the internal operations and delivery of information to its clients, the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) launched eight automated systems developed by in-house programmers on 16 December 2021.Initiated during the incumbency of former DA-BAR director Dr. Vivencio R. Mamaril, the Libreng Libro sa BAR which was first launched on 12 April 2021 is an online book fair featuring 143 books on agriculture and fisheries research for development technologies.Further, the Planting Material Information System which will be turned over to the DA-Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) was developed to facilitate the timely information sharing on plant materials available in DA regional field offices, DA-BPI regional offices, and state universities and colleges.And, in support of the bureau’s internal operations, the following were automated: Personal Data  Sheet System, Personnel Promotion and Hiring System, Work-from-Home System, Travel Order System, Online External Provider Evaluation System, and Vaccination Record System.Five more systems are in the pipeline: BAR Techflix, Application for Leave, Request for Vehicle, Document Tracking System, and BAR Drive Storage System.“I wish to commend the bureau and its initial steps towards the government’s path to digital governance through the development of various automated information systems…Make these information systems operational and maximize its purpose. I encourage everyone to work together to continue to improve your services,” said Agriculture Secretary Dr. William D. Dar.“I further challenge all of you to share the systems to other agencies. Collectively may we, at the department, move forward to digitizing our files and records,” Dar added.During the culmination program on the same day, 10 staff members and two retiring personnel were also recognized for their service and hard work.Julia A. Lapitan, Cynthia Remedios V. De Guia, Ethcel Princess P. Libang, and Juan Nikolas A. Paller were awarded as the best division head, assistant division head, section head, and technical staff, respectively, for 2020 following the DA-BAR PRAISE guidelines. Prior to the organizational restructuring earlier this year, they served as heads of their respective ad hoc divisions and units. Other staff who were recognized for their relentless efforts and extraordinary service as frontliner for the bureau in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic were: Christopher F. Lazaro, Elec I. Yadao, Abelardo G. De Jesus, Jr., Rhaine M. Borres, Manny B. Sumera, and Nestor S. Nebreja, Jr.Two retiring staff, Ma. Louella S. Dejelo (administrative assistant of the Knowledge Management and Information Systems Division) and Dorina S. Rojas (training specialist of the Administrative Support Services-Human Resource Management Unit), were also acknowledged and applauded for their 25 and 16 years of service, respectively. 

Jan 08, 2024

Soriano recaps 2023 bureau reforms and accomplishments, lay downs plans for 2024

DA-Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) director Junel B. Soriano delivered a State of the Bureau Address during the first Flag Raising Ceremony of the year on 8 January 2024 at DA-BAR Grounds, Quezon City.In his address, the director gave a recap of the accomplishments as well as challenges that the bureau has faced in 2023. “In the previous year, we have established several reforms to ensure that the bureau’s service delivery is continuously improving and evolving even in the midst of challenges. These include adaptive strategies and innovative ways that are geared towards providing responsive solutions to the challenges faced by our farmers and fisherfolk,” he said.Likewise, an audiovisual presentation highlighting the bureau’s 2023 major programs and activities was presented. Among the notable accomplishments include the packaging and dissemination of the updated Grants Manual, launching of the National Agriculture and Fisheries Research For Development and Extension 2023 to 2028 Agenda, enhancing of the Agriculture and Fisheries Resources, Research and Extension Development Network guidelines, scoping and appraisal activities, as part of the PARTNERS approach, and conduct of the National Agriculture and Fisheries Technology Exhibition, BAR Scholar’s Fellowship night, and Sustainable Challenge Awards.The said AVP highlighted how the bureau continuously advocates programs, expand, connect, communicate technologies, acknowledge partners, and most importantly learn from each activity.Moving forward to F.Y. 2024, director Soriano underscored some of the reforms and plans that he has laid out for the bureau.“We envision a more strengthened DA-BAR with an improved service delivery through the proposed BAR Restructuring….Consequently, the bureau will continue its pursuit of a harmonized R4D and extension service through the OneRDEAP. We also aim to improve our budget planning and fund utilization which will allow us to propose for a larger chunk of funds in the coming fiscal years.Director Soriano also acknowledged the bureau staff for their dedication, resilience, and hard work. “The bureau has undergone several impactful changes over the previous year, but one thing was evident in all those– that the bureau management and its staff has remained steadfast and resilient as ever,” he said. 

Dec 15, 2021

DA-BAR plans programs, projects, and activities for 2022

To ensure sustainable contribution to the development of the agriculture and fisheries sector, the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) conducted the 2022 Performance Commitment Review (PCR) Target Setting cum Second Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting on 13-15 December 2021 at the Development Academy of the Philippines, Tagaytay City and via Cisco Webex. DA-BAR director Soriano laid down his directives to ensure that the results of the strategies formulated will translate to positive and sustainable impact to the primary stakeholders.Further, to ensure that the performance measure, targets, and accomplishments for next year are aligned to its organizational strategies and core functions, ManCom members discussed the target setting as well as other relevant concerns, activities, and plans. Director Soriano, in his message, also acknowledged the officials and staff for his insightful but very productive first months at the bureau. Former DA-BAR director Dr. Vivencio Mamaril (now DA-Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards director) graced the activity and enjoined the staff to continue developing automated systems and share these to other DA bureaus and agencies. He suggested strategies in enhancing the various programs of the bureau to attain its targets and ensure its sustainability.Other topics discussed were the Inclusive and Transformative Research for Development and Extension (R4DE) Framework, medium and long-term plans of the bureau, Yamang Lupa Sustainable Community-based Action R4DE for Livelihood Uplifting and Prosperity Program, and the upgrading of Regional Research and Development Extension Network and Technology Innovation Management Service Centers.DA-BAR assistant director Joell Lales, in his closing message, instructed the planning and report officers of all divisions to submit the agreed performance measures and targets. He reminded everyone to continually stay focused and committed to the bureau’s mission and vision.The three-day activity was attended by the heads of the divisions, sections and units. 
