DA-Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) furthers its commitment to establish and strengthen strong partnerships and collaborations with different international institutions and organizations.

In separate meetings in January 2024, DA-BAR director Junel B. Soriano and International R&D Relations Section head Julia A. Lapitan welcomed visitors and participated in virtual discussions regarding durian research for development (R4D) and other related fields, transboundary plant pests and diseases, ongoing efforts on climate change resiliency, and the development of production-related technologies.

Through an initial meeting, DA-BAR and the Department of Agriculture (DoA) of Thailand explored possible collaboration, specifically on improving the production and quality of durian for potential export. Tropical fruits are also considered for possible collaborative studies. Also, through succeeding consultation with the International Affairs Division, the bureau will be seeking guidance on the proper protocols and procedures to pursue the collaboration.

Joint esearch on transboundary plant pests and diseases (P&D) was the focus of the meeting between DA-BAR and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, as an identified research during the 2023 Japan-Philippines Summit Meeting. With this, the bureau presented the list of ongoing and completed projects on P&D, a list of current transboundary P&D in the Philippines as consulted with DA-Bureau of Plant Industry and National Crop Protection Center, possible research on this area, as well as the process flow of joint research projects in the country.

Meanwhile, Greg Willis, International Livestock Feed Advisor, AANC Pty Ltd; Manir Ryne, Country Focal, NIRAS, and Dr. Saturnina Halos discussed the progress of the ADB Technical Assistance on three research for development activities focused on developing climate-smart agriculture technologies on abaca value chain, seaweed, and livestock feed.

This takes part in the ongoing activities being conducted in crafting policy reform agenda in line with the DA-Climate Change Action Program. Director Soriano provided insights and recommendations on the packaging and implementation of R4D projects.  These include catch-up efforts on identifying and working with R4D implementing agencies, crafting policy recommendations towards improving technical capacities, and increasing the budget for climate resiliency R4D.

During the said meetings, Director Soriano discussed and presented the bureau’s Research for Development and Extension (R4DE) programs, impact pathways, services, and existing partnerships.