To ensure the maximum utilization of technologies generated and developed through supported research for development (R4D) projects while protecting the intellectual properties of partner research institutions, the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) initiated two meetings to strengthen its existing Intellectual Property policy in line with the Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009 (TTA) and its revised implementing rules and regulations.

Atty. Marion Ivy D. Decena, Department of Science and Technology-Technology Application and Promotion Institute Invention and Development Division head, presented the overview of TTA on 10 March 2021 via Cisco Webex.

“TTA covers all government-funded research and development (R&D) activities, including institutions that implement it and the intellectual property rights (IPR) derived from it,” Atty. Decena said.

She stressed that “IP protection is only one aspect. There is a need to ensure that the intended beneficiary can use the technology. Ownership of the technology should not hamper in transferring or utilizing the technology. ”

Atty. Decena explained that the research development institutions (RDIs) shall be responsible in notifying and disclosing to the government funding agencies (GFAs)the IPR applications, licenses, and assignments made, as well as the progress of IPR commercialization efforts and all agreements entered, and licenses granted.

She further said that GFAs like DA-BAR shall be responsible in protecting the government’s interest in IP and IPRs generated from R&D, monitoring the effectiveness of RDIs in securing IP protection and pursuing IP commercialization, ensuring adequate freedom to use the IP for further research, and allowing revenue sharing from IP commercialization.

Following this meeting, DA-BAR director Dr. Vivencio R. Mamaril requested a meeting with DA-Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) on 30 March 2021 to discuss their Technology Transfer Protocol promulgated in 2019.

DA-PhilRice’s Technology Transfer Protocol has served as a benchmark for other RDIs who were developing their own IP policies.

Dr. Mamaril said, “It is time for DA to develop its national R4D IP policy. And PhilRice, as one of DA agencies with an institutionalized IP office, can provide inputs. Their IP policy can serve as a basis in crafting the national IP policy.”

DA-BAR will continue to intensify its efforts in monitoring potential IPs and IPRs as well as capacitating the bureau’s staff through IP training.