Targeted on improving the production of one of the region’s prime high value crops– the pineapple– DA-Bicol region officially commenced the implementation of two new research for development (R4D) projects.

The first project, funded by the DA-Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) under the Organic Agriculture (OA) R4D program, shall upscale developed technologies for the organic production of Queen Pineapple focusing on the use of organic fertilizers, herbicides, and flower inducers. It intends to come up with a protocol for the organic production technologies of Queen pineapple, thus benefiting pineapple growers, stakeholders, and consumers in selected communities in the region.

Project leader Engr. Eula D. Rada, presented several concerns related to pineapple farmers’ dependence on use of high volume of fertilizers, chemical herbicides, and pesticides that prompted the packaging of a study.

“High production cost, soil degradation, contribution to groundwater pollution and greenhouse gases emission, and development of chronic disease related to excessive dependence on the said chemicals are few of the problems we want to deal with through the upscaling of technologies we have for organic production of pineapple,” Rada highlighted.
In another project, DA-Bicol Region shall establish a tissue culture laboratory at Camarines Norte Lowland Rainfed Research Station to serve as the central facility in producing quality and disease-free planting materials of pineapple.

With funding support through the bureau’s Research for Development Grant (RFDG) program, the establishment of the said facility shall provide an avenue for researchers and farmers in advancing tissue culture techniques, primarily for pineapple, through research work, training and capacity-building activities, and other knowledge-exchange programs. This, according to the research team, shall eventually elevate the productivity, sustainability, and competitiveness of pineapple farming in the region.

The DA-BAR supported projects were subjected to an inception meeting on 10 May 2024. Lead and focal persons from the bureau’s OA R4D and RFDG programs provided feedback and suggestions to ensure the smooth implementation of the newly supported projects.