In a bid to address experiences on the policies and regulations adversely affecting Philippine R&D Output within the procurement system in the Philippines, stakeholders from government agencies, civil society of organizations, and the private sector convened for a Focus Group Discussion on the Alignment of the Philippine R&D System from a Domestic to a Global Network, on 15 February 2024 at Manila Prince Hotel. 

Spearheaded by the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), the discussion aimed to identify challenges, discuss best practices, and propose actionable recommendations for reforming the existing procurement processes.

Participants commenced the discussion by examining the intricacies of the current procurement process. Emphasis was placed on the involvement of various stakeholders, ranging from government entities to suppliers and contractors. Several attendees also highlighted procedural complexities as major obstacles to efficiency.

Director Junel B. Soriano briefly presented the bureau’s position on the procurement system and provided recommendations such as strengthening the advocacy to use an Integrated Management System (IMS) for the modernization and digitalization of the processes, involving research personnel in the workshops concerning the improvements being made, and having an optimum staffing requirement for a Procurement Office or  Unit within the agency.

The conversation shifted towards an evaluation of existing legislation and regulations governing procurement activities. Participants acknowledged the Government Procurement Reform Act (RA 9184) as a cornerstone piece of legislation but emphasized the need for greater enforcement and oversight mechanisms to ensure compliance and accountability.

Furthermore, identifying common challenges proved instrumental in making a way for constructive dialogue on potential solutions. Participants underscored the need for digitalization and capacity building initiatives to streamline processes and enhance the capabilities of procurement officers. Additionally, the discussion opened opportunities for collaboration with international partners and the private sector to leverage expertise and resources.

Before the activity ended, the implementation of actionable recommendations and the monitoring of progress were highlighted. Participants assured that they will  remain actively engaged in ongoing reform efforts, underscoring their collective commitment to advancing the public interest through enhanced procurement practices.