The Sustainable Community-based Action R4DE for Livelihood Enhancement, Upliftment, and Prosperity (SCALE UP) Program is a holistic farming model geared towards covering rainfed areas and utilizing balanced fertilization and micronutrients in farming.
The SCALE UP Program acknowledges the collaboration, integration, and convergence of different research development institutions, line government agencies, private partners, and local government units to empower lowland farming communities through community participatory, science-led, and policy-driven approach. It integrates R4DE initiatives on proper natural resource management of reviving the soil and climate resilience strategies towards improving the productivity and income of farmers for sustainable agriculture.
To establish an innovative and sustainable agriculture through enhanced Yamang Lupa (YL) approaches and strategies resulting to increase in yield and income of farmers by at least 15% by 2025.
Program resource requirements aligned with the objectives and operational plan for more straightforward implementation and management at the granular level
Innovative science-based management strategies of natural resources, crop, soil, water, and climate mitigation for sustainable agriculture based on environmental scanning under the PRA.
Preparation of various training modules and conduct of training to enhance capacities of farmers on crop production management, food processing, and marketing approaches.
Establishment of innovative livelihood activities through participatory community approach to enhance productivity and income and generate better market opportunities.