DA Biotechnology Program

About the Program

The Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Biotechnology Program was established in 2000 to help create an enabling environment for the judicious utilization of agricultural biotechnology as one of the options to attain agriculture and fisheries modernization, improved productivity, climate resilience, and sustainable and inclusive development. The program envisions to transform the agriculture and fisheries sector from being resource-based to becoming technology-based while ensuring biosafety.

The Department of Agriculture Biotechnology Program’s main purpose is to help create an enabling environment for the development and better use of agricultural biotechnology as one of technology options for food security, sector competitiveness, and resilience to climate change. With the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act or AFMA of 1997 (RA 8435), the program aims to help the agriculture sector move from resource-based to technology-based through development of a wide range of biotechnology techniques and tools while ensuring biosafety.

As one of the components of the program, biotechnology R4D provides support for the conduct of basic and applied agricultural biotechnology research, and development of technologies and products which will positively impact the farm yield, income, product quality, climate change resiliency, environmental protection, and global competitiveness of the agricultural sector. Over the years, the DA Biotech Program has evolved to cover not only genetic engineering, but also the whole range of biotechnology tools and applications in agriculture to take full advantage of the potential and actual benefits.


The DA Biotech Program shall be able to:

  1. provide support to policy development and advocacy on the use and commercialization or transfer of generated technologies through agricultural biotechnology, including the establishment of an enabling regulatory framework;
  2. enhance the institutional capability of the DA agencies and the network to generate, regulate, manage, and commercialize technologies and products of agricultural biotechnology through upgrading of infrastructure/facility and provision of capability-building activities, such as short- or long-term local/international internships, symposia, caucuses, workshops, mentorships, and consultancy services;
  3. provide support to research development institutions to conduct and host cutting-edge biotech research for development activities and projects; and,
  4. support promotion of correct, balanced and useful information on agri-biotech and its products and technologies to the general public.

For more information:

DA-Bureau of Agricultural Research
RDMIC Bldg., Elliptical Rd. cor. Visayas Ave.,
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
(02) 8469-2800 | r4d@bar.gov.ph

DA Biotech Program Office